
radare2是一个开源的逆向分析工具, 基于capstone。使用简单方便,是我最喜爱的工具之一。

官网: https://rada.re/n/

官方文档: https://radare.gitbooks.io/radare2book/

安装: https://radare.mikelloc.com/list

TODO: 加入radare2分析脚本的编写

TODO: 完善静态分析指令的介绍内容

静态分析 #

  1. 分析文件格式(可执行程序、文档类文件、配置文件、资源文件)
  2. 分析文件内容

通用操作 #

格式转换 #


rax2:radare2自带的一个格式转换工具, 使用简单。我们可以方便的进行进制转换、编码转换等操作。 例如:

  1. 进制转换。
$ rax2 10  # 10进制转16进制
$ rax2 0xa # 16进制转10进制
$ rax2 b30 # 10进制转2进制
  1. 编码转换: base64加解码。
$ rax2 -E 1291029019234  # base64编码
$ rax2 -D MTI5MTAyOTAxOTIzNA== # base64解码

hash计算 #




  1. 计算文件的hash(sha256/md5):
$ rahash2.exe -a sha256 .\WeiyunInstall_Beta_1_3.9.0.2340_20191024_160241_r0.exe
.\WeiyunInstall_Beta_1_3.9.0.2340_20191024_160241_r0.exe: 0x00000000-0x03f126cf sha256: 343c1653de94ddd4822e12b2373e48a3748d574083e8f7c82471669746cd0afe
$ rahash2.exe -a md5 .\WeiyunInstall_Beta_1_3.9.0.2340_20191024_160241_r0.exe
.\WeiyunInstall_Beta_1_3.9.0.2340_20191024_160241_r0.exe: 0x00000000-0x03f126cf md5: a3a30a5f5ae641f30e50aaf75dee7028  
  1. 查看支持的算法:
$ rahash2.exe -L
Available Hashes:
h  md5
h  sha1
h  sha256
h  sha384
h  sha512
h  md4
h  xor
h  xorpair
h  parity
h  entropy
h  hamdist
h  pcprint
h  mod255
h  xxhash
h  adler32
h  luhn
h  crc8smbus
h  crc15can
h  crc16
h  crc16hdlc
h  crc16usb
h  crc16citt
h  crc24
h  crc32
h  crc32c
h  crc32ecma267
h  crc32bzip2
h  crc32d
h  crc32mpeg2
h  crc32posix
h  crc32q
h  crc32jamcrc
h  crc32xfer
h  crc64
h  crc64ecma
h  crc64we
h  crc64xz
h  crc64iso
h  fletcher8
h  fletcher16
h  fletcher32
h  fletcher64

Available Encoders/Decoders:
e  base64
e  base91
e  punycode

Available Crypto Algos:
c  rc2
c  rc4
c  rc6
c  aes-ecb
c  aes-cbc
c  ror
c  rol
c  rot
c  blowfish
c  cps2
c  des-ecb
c  xor
c  serpent-ecb

汇编指令 #




  1. 操作x86指令, -a指定指令架构,-b指令指令集位数
$ rasm2.exe -a x86 -b 32 'push ebp'
$ rasm2.exe -a x86 -b 32 'mov ebp, esp'
  1. 操作x64指令, -D表示反汇编
$ rasm2.exe -a x86 -b 64 -D 89e5
0x00000000   2                     89e5  mov ebp, esp
$ rasm2.exe -a x86 -b 64 'mov rbp, rsp'
  1. 操作arm指令
$ rasm2.exe -a arm -b 32 'push LR'
  1. 操作thumb指令(16bit arm指令)
$ rasm2.exe -a arm -b 16 'B 0x10'
  1. 查看支持的架构:
$ rasm2.exe -L
_dAe  8 16       6502        LGPL3   6502/NES/C64/Tamagotchi/T-1000 CPU
_dAe  8          8051        PD      8051 Intel CPU
_dA_  32         amd29k      LGPL3   AMD 29k RISC CPU (by deroad)
_dA_  16 32      arc         GPL3    Argonaut RISC Core
a___  16 32 64   arm.as      LGPL3   as ARM Assembler (use ARM_AS environment) (by pancake)
adAe  16 32 64   arm         BSD     Capstone ARM disassembler
_dA_  16 32 64   arm.gnu     GPL3    Acorn RISC Machine CPU
_d__  16 32      arm.winedbg LGPL2   WineDBG's ARM disassembler
adAe  8 16       avr         GPL     AVR Atmel
adAe  16 32 64   bf          LGPL3   Brainfuck (by pancake, nibble) v4.0.0
_dA_  32         chip8       LGPL3   Chip8 disassembler
_dA_  16         cr16        LGPL3   cr16 disassembly plugin
_dA_  32         cris        GPL3    Axis Communications 32-bit embedded processor (by pancake)
adA_  32 64      dalvik      LGPL3   AndroidVM Dalvik
ad__  16         dcpu16      PD      Mojang's DCPU-16
_dA_  32 64      ebc         LGPL3   EFI Bytecode (by Fedor Sakharov)
adAe  16         gb          LGPL3   GameBoy(TM) (z80-like) (by condret)
_dAe  16         h8300       LGPL3   H8/300 disassembly plugin
_dAe  32         hexagon     LGPL3   Qualcomm Hexagon (QDSP6) V6 (by xvilka)
_d__  32         hppa        GPL3    HP PA-RISC
_dAe             i4004       LGPL3   Intel 4004 microprocessor
_dA_  8          i8080       BSD     Intel 8080 CPU
adA_  32         java        Apache  Java bytecode
_d__  32         lanai       GPL3    LANAI
_d__  8          lh5801      LGPL3   SHARP LH5801 disassembler
_d__  32         lm32        BSD     disassembly plugin for Lattice Micro 32 ISA (by Felix Held)
_dA_  32         m68k        BSD     Capstone M68K disassembler
_dA_  8 32       m680x       BSD     Capstone M680X Disassembler
_dA_  32         malbolge    LGPL3   Malbolge Ternary VM (by condret)
_dA_  32         mcore       LGPL3   Motorola MCORE disassembler
_d__  16         mcs96       LGPL3   condrets car
adAe  16 32 64   mips        BSD     Capstone MIPS disassembler
adAe  32 64      mips.gnu    GPL3    MIPS CPU
_dA_  16         msp430      LGPL3   msp430 disassembly plugin
_dA_  32         nios2       GPL3    NIOS II Embedded Processor
_dAe  8          pic         LGPL3   PIC disassembler
_dAe  32 64      ppc         BSD     Capstone PowerPC disassembler (by pancake)
_dA_  32 64      ppc.gnu     GPL3    PowerPC
_dA_  32         propeller   LGPL3   propeller disassembly plugin
_dA_  32 64      riscv       GPL     RISC-V
_dAe  32         rsp         LGPL3   Reality Signal Processor
_dAe  32         sh          GPL3    SuperH-4 CPU
_dA_  8 16       snes        LGPL3   SuperNES CPU
_dAe  32 64      sparc       BSD     Capstone SPARC disassembler
_dA_  32 64      sparc.gnu   GPL3    Scalable Processor Architecture
_d__  16         spc700      LGPL3   spc700, snes' sound-chip
_d__  32         sysz        BSD     SystemZ CPU disassembler
_dA_  32         tms320      LGPLv3  TMS320 DSP family (c54x,c55x,c55x+,c64x)
_d__  32         tms320c64x  BSD     Capstone TMS320c64x disassembler
_d__  32         tricore     GPL3    Siemens TriCore CPU
_dAe  32         v810        LGPL3   v810 disassembly plugin (by pancake)
_dAe  32         v850        LGPL3   v850 disassembly plugin
_dAe  8 32       vax         GPL     VAX
adAe  32         wasm        MIT     WebAssembly (by cgvwzq) v0.1.0
_dA_  32         ws          LGPL3   Whitespace esotheric VM
a___  16 32 64   x86.as      LGPL3   Intel X86 GNU Assembler
_dAe  16 32 64   x86         BSD     Capstone X86 disassembler
a___  16 32 64   x86.nasm    LGPL3   X86 nasm assembler
a___  16 32 64   x86.nz      LGPL3   x86 handmade assembler
_dA_  16         xap         PD      XAP4 RISC (CSR)
_dA_  32         xcore       BSD     Capstone XCore disassembler (by pancake)
_dAe  32         xtensa      GPL3    XTensa CPU
adA_  8          z80         GPL     Zilog Z80 (by condret)

Dump内容 #


# wtf 写内容到文件中
[0x0040225a]> wtf hi.bin 0x1000
Dumped 4096 bytes from 0x0040225a into hi.bin
# wtf! 写当前位置到eof的所有数据到文件中
[0x0040225a]> wtf! hi.bin 

文件格式分析 #


拿到一个文件,我们首先要做的就是分析文件格式,了解文件大致信息。 我们可以使用工具rabin2

  1. 文件属性识别, -I
$ rabin2.exe -I .\radare2_installer-msvc_64-4.0.0.exe
arch     x86
baddr    0x400000
binsz    20660224
bintype  pe
bits     32
canary   false
retguard false
class    PE32
cmp.csum 0x013b6631
compiled Wed Apr  6 22:39:04 2016
crypto   false
endian   little
havecode true
hdr.csum 0x00000000
laddr    0x0
lang     c
linenum  true
lsyms    true
machine  i386
maxopsz  16
minopsz  1
nx       true
os       windows
overlay  true
pcalign  0
pic      true
relocs   true
signed   false
sanitiz  false
static   false
stripped false
subsys   Windows GUI
va       true
  1. 程序段分析。-S
$ rabin2.exe -S .\radare2_installer-msvc_64-4.0.0.exe
Nm Paddr       Size Vaddr      Memsz Perms Name
00 0x00000400 62464 0x00401000 65536 -r-x .text
01 0x0000f800  4096 0x00411000  4096 -r-x .itext
02 0x00010800  3584 0x00412000  4096 -rw- .data
03 0x00011600     0 0x00413000 24576 -rw- .bss
04 0x00011600  4096 0x00419000  4096 -rw- .idata
05 0x00012600     0 0x0041a000  4096 -rw- .tls
06 0x00012600   512 0x0041b000  4096 -r-- .rdata
07 0x00012800 43008 0x0041c000 45056 -r-- .rsrc
  1. 程序入口点分析, -e
$ rabin2.exe -e .\radare2_installer-msvc_64-4.0.0.exe
vaddr=0x004117dc paddr=0x0000ffdc haddr=0x00000128 type=program

1 entrypoints
  1. 导入表、导出表分析。-e, -E
# 导入表分析
$ rabin2.exe -i .\radare2_installer-msvc_64-4.0.0.exe
Num  Vaddr       Bind      Type Name
   1 0x00419304    NONE    FUNC oleaut32.dll_SysFreeString
   2 0x00419308    NONE    FUNC oleaut32.dll_SysReAllocStringLen
   3 0x0041930c    NONE    FUNC oleaut32.dll_SysAllocStringLen
   1 0x00419314    NONE    FUNC advapi32.dll_RegQueryValueExW
   2 0x00419318    NONE    FUNC advapi32.dll_RegOpenKeyExW
   3 0x0041931c    NONE    FUNC advapi32.dll_RegCloseKey
   1 0x00419324    NONE    FUNC user32.dll_GetKeyboardType
   2 0x00419328    NONE    FUNC user32.dll_LoadStringW
   3 0x0041932c    NONE    FUNC user32.dll_MessageBoxA
   4 0x00419330    NONE    FUNC user32.dll_CharNextW
   1 0x00419338    NONE    FUNC kernel32.dll_GetACP
# 导出表分析
$ rabin2.exe -E .\radare2_installer-msvc_64-4.0.0.exe
Num Paddr      Vaddr      Bind     Type Size Name

可执行程序分析 #

  1. a分析

aa分析入口函数,aaa分析所有的函数调用, afl列出分析后的函数

$ radare2 .\ChromeSetup.exe
 -- Control the signal handlers of the child process with the 'dk' command
[0x00404eb3]> aa
[x] Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
[0x00404eb3]> afl
0x00404eb3   21 390  -> 337  entry0
0x0040225a   12 203          main
[0x00404eb3]> aaa
[x] Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
[x] Analyze function calls (aac)
[x] Analyze len bytes of instructions for references (aar)
[x] Check for objc references
[x] Check for vtables
[x] Type matching analysis for all functions (aaft)
[x] Propagate noreturn information
[x] Use -AA or aaaa to perform additional experimental analysis.
[0x00404eb3]> afl
0x00404eb3   21 390  -> 337  entry0
0x0040225a   12 203          main
0x00413932    5 83           fcn.00413932
0x00413985    1 35           fcn.00413985
0x004059c0   24 346          fcn.004059c0
0x00401097    4 40           fcn.00401097
0x00405139    1 21           fcn.00405139
0x004050fe    4 59           fcn.004050fe
0x00401026    1 19           fcn.00401026
0x0040103b    1 33           fcn.0040103b
0x0040111c    4 28           fcn.0040111c
0x00413c28    1 14           fcn.00413c28
0x00413f1d    6 48599 -> 68   fcn.00413f1d
0x0040a7b9    3 19           fcn.0040a7b9
0x0040a468   11 133          fcn.0040a468
0x0040a740    7 67           fcn.0040a740
0x00401168    6 65           fcn.00401168
0x0040569e    3 17   -> 266  fcn.0040569e
0x004056d7    3 249          loc.004056d7
0x0041392c    1 6            sub.KERNEL32.dll_IsProcessorFeaturePresent
0x004056af    1 40           fcn.004056af
  1. s定位
# ~: 与grep类似
[0x00404eb3]> afl~main
0x0040225a   12 203          main
# s 定义到目标地址, 此处定位到main函数地址
[0x00404eb3]> s main
# pdf, 反汇编当前函数
[0x0040225a]> pdf
            ;-- eip:
(fcn) main 203
│   int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
│           ; var int32_t var_24h @ ebp-0x24
│           ; var int32_t var_20h @ ebp-0x20
│           ; var int32_t var_1ch @ ebp-0x1c
│           ; var int32_t var_18h @ ebp-0x18
│           ; var int32_t var_14h @ ebp-0x14
│           ; var int32_t var_10h @ ebp-0x10
│           ; var int32_t var_ch @ ebp-0xc
│           ; var int32_t var_8h @ ebp-0x8
│           ; var int32_t var_4h @ ebp-0x4
│           ; arg int32_t arg_8h @ ebp+0x8
│           ; arg int32_t arg_10h @ ebp+0x10
│           ; CALL XREF from entry0 @ 0x404e2a
│           0x0040225a      55             push ebp
│           0x0040225b      8bec           mov ebp, esp
│           0x0040225d      83ec24         sub esp, 0x24
│           0x00402260      685cb94100     push str.SetDefaultDllDirectories ; 0x41b95c ; "SetDefaultDllDirectories"
│           0x00402265      68f4b84100     push str.kernel32.dll       ; 0x41b8f4 ; u"kernel32.dll" ; HMODULE hModule
│           0x0040226a      ff1528604100   call dword [sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_GetModuleHandleW] ; 0x416028 ; "R\xc7\x01" ; HMODULE GetModuleHandleW(LPCWSTR lpModuleName)
│           0x00402270      50             push eax                    ; LPCSTR lpProcName
│           0x00402271      ff1564604100   call dword [sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_GetProcAddress] ; 0x416064 ; "j\xc8\x01" ; FARPROC GetProcAddress(HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR lpProcName)
│           0x00402277      85c0           test eax, eax
│       ┌─< 0x00402279      7407           je 0x402282
│       │   0x0040227b      6800080000     push 0x800                  ; 2048
│       │   0x00402280      ffd0           call eax
│       │   ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x402279
│       └─> 0x00402282      56             push esi
│           0x00402283      57             push edi
│           0x00402284      6a02           push 2                      ; 2 ; LPVOID pvReserved
│           0x00402286      33ff           xor edi, edi
│           0x00402288      57             push edi                    ; DWORD dwCoInit
│           0x00402289      ff1598614100   call dword [sym.imp.ole32.dll_CoInitializeEx] ; 0x416198 ; "$\xcd\x01" ; HRESULT CoInitializeEx(LPVOID pvReserved, DWORD dwCoInit)
│           0x0040228f      8bf0           mov esi, eax
│           0x00402291      85f6           test esi, esi
│       ┌─< 0x00402293      7904           jns 0x402299
│       │   0x00402295      8bce           mov ecx, esi
│      ┌──< 0x00402297      eb10           jmp 0x4022a9
│      ││   ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x402293
│      │└─> 0x00402299      51             push ecx
│      │    0x0040229a      e8e3f0ffff     call fcn.00401382
│      │    0x0040229f      59             pop ecx
│      │    0x004022a0      84c0           test al, al
│      │┌─< 0x004022a2      750e           jne 0x4022b2
│      ││   0x004022a4      b903070480     mov ecx, 0x80040703
│      ││   ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x402297
│      └──> 0x004022a9      e805ffffff     call fcn.004021b3
│       │   0x004022ae      8bf8           mov edi, eax
│      ┌──< 0x004022b0      eb59           jmp 0x40230b
│      ││   ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x4022a2
│      │└─> 0x004022b2      8b4508         mov eax, dword [arg_8h]
│      │    0x004022b5      8d4de0         lea ecx, [var_20h]
│      │    0x004022b8      ff7510         push dword [arg_10h]
│      │    0x004022bb      8945dc         mov dword [var_24h], eax
│      │    0x004022be      e82d020000     call fcn.004024f0
│      │    0x004022c3      e818efffff     call fcn.004011e0
│      │    0x004022c8      50             push eax
│      │    0x004022c9      8d4de4         lea ecx, [var_1ch]
│      │    0x004022cc      e836060000     call fcn.00402907
│      │    0x004022d1      897de8         mov dword [var_18h], edi
│      │    0x004022d4      897dec         mov dword [var_14h], edi
│      │    0x004022d7      897df0         mov dword [var_10h], edi
│      │    0x004022da      897df4         mov dword [var_ch], edi
│      │    0x004022dd      e8feeeffff     call fcn.004011e0
│      │    0x004022e2      50             push eax
│      │    0x004022e3      8d4df8         lea ecx, [var_8h]
│      │    0x004022e6      e81c060000     call fcn.00402907
│      │    0x004022eb      e8f0eeffff     call fcn.004011e0
│      │    0x004022f0      50             push eax
│      │    0x004022f1      8d4dfc         lea ecx, [var_4h]
│      │    0x004022f4      e80e060000     call fcn.00402907
│      │    0x004022f9      8d4ddc         lea ecx, [var_24h]
│      │    0x004022fc      e804f3ffff     call fcn.00401605
│      │    0x00402301      8d4ddc         lea ecx, [var_24h]
│      │    0x00402304      8bf8           mov edi, eax
│      │    0x00402306      e885f2ffff     call fcn.00401590
│      │    ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x4022b0
│      └──> 0x0040230b      81fef0010480   cmp esi, 0x800401f0
│       ┌─< 0x00402311      740a           je 0x40231d
│       │   0x00402313      85f6           test esi, esi
│      ┌──< 0x00402315      7806           js 0x40231d
│      ││   0x00402317      ff1594614100   call dword [sym.imp.ole32.dll_CoUninitialize] ; 0x416194 ; void CoUninitialize(void)
│      ││   ; CODE XREFS from main @ 0x402311, 0x402315
│      └└─> 0x0040231d      8bc7           mov eax, edi
│           0x0040231f      5f             pop edi
│           0x00402320      5e             pop esi
│           0x00402321      c9             leave
└           0x00402322      c21000         ret 0x10
  1. 高级分析af afi: 分析当前函数, 得到stackframe, 指令bits, 基本块, 交叉引用等信息
[0x0040225a]> afi
offset: 0x0040225a
name: main
size: 203
is-pure: false
realsz: 203
stackframe: 84
call-convention: cdecl
cyclomatic-cost : 114
cyclomatic-complexity: 6
bits: 32
type: sym [NEW]
num-bbs: 12
edges: 16
end-bbs: 1
call-refs: 0x00416028 C 0x00416064 C 0x00402282 J 0x00416198 C 0x00402299 J 0x004022a9 J 0x00401382 C 0x004022b2 J 0x004021b3 C 0x0040230b J 0x004024f0 C 0x004011e0 C 0x00402907 C 0x004011e0 C 0x00402907 C 0x004011e0 C 0x00402907 C 0x00401605 C 0x00401590 C 0x0040231d J 0x0040231d J 0x00416194 C
data-refs: 0x0041b95c 0x0041b8f4
code-xrefs: 0x00404e2a C 0x00402279 J 0x00402293 J 0x00402297 J 0x004022a2 J 0x004022b0 J 0x00402311 J 0x00402315 J
in-degree: 8
out-degree: 15
locals: 9
args: 2
var int32_t var_24h @ ebp-0x24
var int32_t var_20h @ ebp-0x20
var int32_t var_1ch @ ebp-0x1c
var int32_t var_18h @ ebp-0x18
var int32_t var_14h @ ebp-0x14
var int32_t var_10h @ ebp-0x10
var int32_t var_ch @ ebp-0xc
var int32_t var_8h @ ebp-0x8
var int32_t var_4h @ ebp-0x4
arg int32_t arg_8h @ ebp+0x8
arg int32_t arg_10h @ ebp+0x10
diff: type: new


[0x0040225a]> afb
0x0040225a 0x0040227b 01:53E7 33 j 0x00402282 f 0x0040227b
0x0040227b 0x00402282 01:53EE 7 j 0x00402282
0x00402282 0x00402295 01:53EF 19 j 0x00402299 f 0x00402295
0x00402295 0x00402299 01:53F6 4 j 0x004022a9
0x00402299 0x004022a4 01:53F7 11 j 0x004022b2 f 0x004022a4
0x004022a4 0x004022a9 01:53FA 5 j 0x004022a9
0x004022a9 0x004022b2 00:0000 9 j 0x0040230b
0x004022b2 0x0040230b 01:53FC 89 j 0x0040230b
0x0040230b 0x00402313 01:540D 8 j 0x0040231d f 0x00402313
0x00402313 0x00402317 01:540E 4 j 0x0040231d f 0x00402317
0x00402317 0x0040231d 00:0000 6 j 0x0040231d
0x0040231d 0x00402325 01:540F 8


[0x0040225a]> afx
d 0x00402260 -> 0x0041b95c
d 0x00402265 -> 0x0041b8f4
C 0x0040226a -> 0x00416028
C 0x00402271 -> 0x00416064
c 0x00402279 -> 0x00402282
C 0x00402289 -> 0x00416198
c 0x00402293 -> 0x00402299
c 0x00402297 -> 0x004022a9
C 0x0040229a -> 0x00401382
c 0x004022a2 -> 0x004022b2
C 0x004022a9 -> 0x004021b3
c 0x004022b0 -> 0x0040230b
C 0x004022be -> 0x004024f0
C 0x004022c3 -> 0x004011e0
C 0x004022cc -> 0x00402907
C 0x004022dd -> 0x004011e0
C 0x004022e6 -> 0x00402907
C 0x004022eb -> 0x004011e0
C 0x004022f4 -> 0x00402907
C 0x004022fc -> 0x00401605
C 0x00402306 -> 0x00401590
c 0x00402311 -> 0x0040231d
c 0x00402315 -> 0x0040231d
C 0x00402317 -> 0x00416194

help #

工具help #

rax2 #

PS C:\Users\L0phTg> rax2 --help
Usage: rax2 [options] [expr ...]
  =[base]                      ;  rax2 =10 0x46 -> output in base 10
  int     ->  hex              ;  rax2 10
  hex     ->  int              ;  rax2 0xa
  -int    ->  hex              ;  rax2 -77
  -hex    ->  int              ;  rax2 0xffffffb3
  int     ->  bin              ;  rax2 b30
  int     ->  ternary          ;  rax2 t42
  bin     ->  int              ;  rax2 1010d
  ternary ->  int              ;  rax2 1010dt
  float   ->  hex              ;  rax2 3.33f
  hex     ->  float            ;  rax2 Fx40551ed8
  oct     ->  hex              ;  rax2 35o
  hex     ->  oct              ;  rax2 Ox12 (O is a letter)
  bin     ->  hex              ;  rax2 1100011b
  hex     ->  bin              ;  rax2 Bx63
  ternary ->  hex              ;  rax2 212t
  hex     ->  ternary          ;  rax2 Tx23
  raw     ->  hex              ;  rax2 -S < /binfile
  hex     ->  raw              ;  rax2 -s 414141
  -l                           ;  append newline to output (for -E/-D/-r/..
  -a      show ascii table     ;  rax2 -a
  -b      bin -> str           ;  rax2 -b 01000101 01110110
  -B      str -> bin           ;  rax2 -B hello
  -d      force integer        ;  rax2 -d 3 -> 3 instead of 0x3
  -e      swap endianness      ;  rax2 -e 0x33
  -D      base64 decode        ;
  -E      base64 encode        ;
  -f      floating point       ;  rax2 -f 6.3+2.1
  -F      stdin slurp code hex ;  rax2 -F < shellcode.[c/py/js]
  -h      help                 ;  rax2 -h
  -i      dump as C byte array ;  rax2 -i < bytes
  -k      keep base            ;  rax2 -k 33+3 -> 36
  -K      randomart            ;  rax2 -K 0x34 1020304050
  -L      bin -> hex(bignum)   ;  rax2 -L 111111111 # 0x1ff
  -n      binary number        ;  rax2 -n 0x1234 # 34120000
  -o      octalstr -> raw      ;  rax2 -o \162 \62 # r2
  -N      binary number        ;  rax2 -N 0x1234 # \x34\x12\x00\x00
  -r      r2 style output      ;  rax2 -r 0x1234
  -s      hexstr -> raw        ;  rax2 -s 43 4a 50
  -S      raw -> hexstr        ;  rax2 -S < /bin/ls > ls.hex
  -t      tstamp -> str        ;  rax2 -t 1234567890
  -x      hash string          ;  rax2 -x linux osx
  -u      units                ;  rax2 -u 389289238 # 317.0M
  -w      signed word          ;  rax2 -w 16 0xffff
  -v      version              ;  rax2 -v

rahash2 #

$ rahash2.exe -h
Usage: rahash2 [-rBhLkv] [-b S] [-a A] [-c H] [-E A] [-s S] [-f O] [-t O] [file] ...
 -a algo     comma separated list of algorithms (default is 'sha256')
 -b bsize    specify the size of the block (instead of full file)
 -B          show per-block hash
 -c hash     compare with this hash
 -e          swap endian (use little endian)
 -E algo     encrypt. Use -S to set key and -I to set IV
 -D algo     decrypt. Use -S to set key and -I to set IV
 -f from     start hashing at given address
 -i num      repeat hash N iterations
 -I iv       use give initialization vector (IV) (hexa or s:string)
 -S seed     use given seed (hexa or s:string) use ^ to prefix (key for -E)
             (- will slurp the key from stdin, the @ prefix points to a file
 -k          show hash using the openssh's randomkey algorithm
 -q          run in quiet mode (-qq to show only the hash)
 -L          list all available algorithms (see -a)
 -r          output radare commands
 -s string   hash this string instead of files
 -t to       stop hashing at given address
 -x hexstr   hash this hexpair string instead of files
 -v          show version information

rasm2 #

$ rasm2.exe -h
Usage: rasm2 [-ACdDehLBvw] [-a arch] [-b bits] [-o addr] [-s syntax]
             [-f file] [-F fil:ter] [-i skip] [-l len] 'code'|hex|-
 -a [arch]    Set architecture to assemble/disassemble (see -L)
 -A           Show Analysis information from given hexpairs
 -b [bits]    Set cpu register size (8, 16, 32, 64) (RASM2_BITS)
 -B           Binary input/output (-l is mandatory for binary input)
 -c [cpu]     Select specific CPU (depends on arch)
 -C           Output in C format
 -d, -D       Disassemble from hexpair bytes (-D show hexpairs)
 -e           Use big endian instead of little endian
 -E           Display ESIL expression (same input as in -d)
 -f [file]    Read data from file
 -F [in:out]  Specify input and/or output filters (att2intel, x86.pseudo, ...)
 -h, -hh      Show this help, -hh for long
 -i [len]     ignore/skip N bytes of the input buffer
 -j           output in json format
 -k [kernel]  Select operating system (linux, windows, darwin, ..)
 -l [len]     Input/Output length
 -L           List Asm plugins: (a=asm, d=disasm, A=analyze, e=ESIL)
 -o,-@ [addr] Set start address for code (default 0)
 -O [file]    Output file name (rasm2 -Bf a.asm -O a)
 -p           Run SPP over input for assembly
 -q           quiet mode
 -r           output in radare commands
 -s [syntax]  Select syntax (intel, att)
 -v           Show version information
 -x           Use hex dwords instead of hex pairs when assembling.
 -w           What's this instruction for? describe opcode
 If '-l' value is greater than output length, output is padded with nops
 If the last argument is '-' reads from stdin
 RASM2_NOPLUGINS  do not load shared plugins (speedup loading)
 RASM2_ARCH       same as rasm2 -a
 RASM2_BITS       same as rasm2 -b
 R_DEBUG          if defined, show error messages and crash signal

rabin2 #

$ rabin2.exe -h
Usage: rabin2 [-AcdeEghHiIjlLMqrRsSUvVxzZ] [-@ at] [-a arch] [-b bits] [-B addr]
              [-C F:C:D] [-f str] [-m addr] [-n str] [-N m:M] [-P[-P] pdb]
              [-o str] [-O str] [-k query] [-D lang symname] file
 -@ [addr]       show section, symbol or import at addr
 -A              list sub-binaries and their arch-bits pairs
 -a [arch]       set arch (x86, arm, .. or <arch>_<bits>)
 -b [bits]       set bits (32, 64 ...)
 -B [addr]       override base address (pie bins)
 -c              list classes
 -cc             list classes in header format
 -C [fmt:C:D]    create [elf,mach0,pe] with Code and Data hexpairs (see -a)
 -d              show debug/dwarf information
 -D lang name    demangle symbol name (-D all for bin.demangle=true)
 -e              entrypoint
 -ee             constructor/destructor entrypoints
 -E              globally exportable symbols
 -f [str]        select sub-bin named str
 -F [binfmt]     force to use that bin plugin (ignore header check)
 -g              same as -SMZIHVResizcld -SS -ee (show all info)
 -G [addr]       load address . offset to header
 -h              this help message
 -H              header fields
 -i              imports (symbols imported from libraries)
 -I              binary info
 -j              output in json
 -k [sdb-query]  run sdb query. for example: '*'
 -K [algo]       calculate checksums (md5, sha1, ..)
 -l              linked libraries
 -L [plugin]     list supported bin plugins or plugin details
 -m [addr]       show source line at addr
 -M              main (show address of main symbol)
 -n [str]        show section, symbol or import named str
 -N [min:max]    force min:max number of chars per string (see -z and -zz)
 -o [str]        output file/folder for write operations (out by default)
 -O [str]        write/extract operations (-O help)
 -p              show physical addresses
 -P              show debug/pdb information
 -PP             download pdb file for binary
 -q              be quiet, just show fewer data
 -qq             show less info (no offset/size for -z for ex.)
 -Q              show load address used by dlopen (non-aslr libs)
 -r              radare output
 -R              relocations
 -s              symbols
 -S              sections
 -SS             segments
 -t              display file hashes
 -T              display file signature
 -u              unfiltered (no rename duplicated symbols/sections)
 -U              resoUrces
 -v              display version and quit
 -V              Show binary version information
 -w              display try/catch blocks
 -x              extract bins contained in file
 -X [fmt] [f] .. package in fat or zip the given files and bins contained in file
 -z              strings (from data section)
 -zz             strings (from raw bins [e bin.rawstr=1])
 -zzz            dump raw strings to stdout (for huge files)
 -Z              guess size of binary program
 RABIN2_LANG:      e bin.lang         # assume lang for demangling
 RABIN2_NOPLUGINS: # do not load shared plugins (speedup loading)
 RABIN2_DEMANGLE=0:e bin.demangle     # do not demangle symbols
 RABIN2_MAXSTRBUF: e bin.maxstrbuf    # specify maximum buffer size
 RABIN2_STRFILTER: e bin.str.filter   #  r2 -qc 'e bin.str.filter=??' -
 RABIN2_STRPURGE:  e bin.str.purge    # try to purge false positives
 RABIN2_DEBASE64:  e bin.debase64     # try to debase64 all strings
 RABIN2_DMNGLRCMD: e bin.demanglercmd # try to purge false positives
 RABIN2_PDBSERVER: e pdb.server       # use alternative PDB server
 RABIN2_SYMSTORE:  e pdb.symstore     # path to downstream symbol store
 RABIN2_PREFIX:    e bin.prefix       # prefix symbols/sections/relocs with a specific string

命令help #

w #

a #

s #

p #